July VHF/UHF/SHF Contest

Even, I participated a few hours only, I am quite satisfied with the results. No skeds, no airplane scatter software use.
144 MHz: 101 QSO, ODX IQ5NN 823 km
432 MHz: 20 QSO, ODX OM6A 583 km
1296 MHz: 10 QSO, ODX DG2GR 192 km
Now, I am looking forward to September IARU-Region 1 VHF Contest. DL0GTH will be QRV again from JO50JP in multi OP mode.

Returning to normal life

Fortunately, new Covid-19 infections went down significantly, shops and restaurants are open again and I am looking forward for some ham radio events. I also got my second shot of vaccine and feel much more safe now. Likely, I will participate July VHF/UHF contest in Single OP category still. But I am confident that DL0GTH will operate as Multi OP station in IARU-Region-1-VHF contest. CU on the air.

May VHF/UHF Contest from Home

Since multi operator contesting is still restricted by Corona pandemic rules, DL0GTH was not active and I made some QSO on 2m, 70cm and 23cm bands from home. A few hours only, also because there was not much activity and poor condx. The contest weekends are almost the only chance for some QSO in SSB/CW because outside of contests there is more activity in digital modes.

IARU UHF/µWave Contest Results 2020

I am happy about the 2020 IARU Region 1 UHF/µWave Contest Results of our DL0GTH contest team:

432 MHz: 2nd, congratulations to the winner DR9A
1.3 GHz: 3rd, congratulations to the winner OK2A
2.4 GHz: winner
3.4 GHz: 2nd, congratulations to the winner OL4A
5.7 GHz: 3rd, congratulations to the winner IN3HOG
10 GHz: 8th, congratulations to the winner IN3HOG
24 GHz: 2nd, congratulations to the winner IQ1KW
76 GHz: 3rd, congratulations to the winner DR9A
122 GHz: winner
134 GHz: winner
Milimeter Group: 2nd, congratulations to the winner IQ1KW

DL0GTH is the winner of the overall score.

More results can be found at https://iaru.oevsv.at/


Hello friends!

I am currently more active on amateur radio bands than usual caused by the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions which limit other interests. Stay healthy and active on the amateur radio bands.

73 Jens