ADS-B Upgrade

Thanks to DL2ALF’s Airscout software VHF/UHF/µWave amateurs can do much more DX using airplane scatter. After almost all commercial ASB-B date providers blocked free access to their data, the amateur radio community have their own ADS-B receivers and can share data, e.g. using OV3T’s server. I have been running ADS-B RX equipment for two years now and made several improvements and uprades. RTL-USB SDR stick replaced by Airspy SDR. 0.6 m (6.5 dBi)  antenna replaced by 1.2 m (8.5 dBi)  antenna some months ago and most recently I replaced a Chinese low cost LNA+Filer by Nooelec SAWbird+ ADS-B LNA+filter. This is a quite expensive device but worth it from my point of view. It improved the peak average range by ~10km (>405 km) and the number of airplanes and positions tracked per day by ~10%. You can check for more detailed RX performance at